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“My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.”              Psalm 57:7 NIV


Intense trials get us to look to the Lord and discover how trustworthy He is. We see this illustrated in the history of Israel. When God brought them out of Egypt, Israel saw their problems as bigger than their God. God had just delivered them from Egypt by performing a series of stupendous miracles, culminating in the parting of the Red Sea. The next thing we read is that they went three days into the wilderness and found no water (Exodus 15:22). As we read that, we are inclined to say, “So what? The God who has done all these miracles can provide water!” But what did Israel do? They grumbled and complained because they saw their problems as bigger than their God. Later, when Moses sent the spies into the land, the majority report was, “It’s a nice land, but there are giants there. We can’t conquer it.” The people again complained and started looking for a leader to take them back to Egypt. They still saw their problems as bigger than their God. But Joshua and Caleb saw their God as bigger than their problems. They said, “Sure, there are giants; but the Lord is bigger than the giants. He will give us the land as He promised” (Numbers 14:9). The bigger our problem, the more opportunity there is for God to be glorified as we trust Him with the problem. Can you think of anything too difficult for the Lord? If we see God as bigger than our problems, then we can trust Him and He will get the glory. God is glorified as we trust Him in our trials. Trust involves relying on God alone; going to Him in prayer and seeing Him as bigger than our problems.



Lord, open the eyes of our hearts to see how great You are.



Lord, as we see You as bigger than our problems, we can trust You and You will get the glory. Thank You, that You are glorified as we trust You in our trials. AMEN



Psalm 40:1-5



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