“Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief.” Psalm 31:9 NIV
In verses 9-11 David acknowledged a painful truth: his trouble was the result of his sin. This supports the view for Absalom’s rebellion as the setting of this psalm. Bloody violence within his family was the consequence of David’s sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12:9-11a). The grief of Absalom’s rebellion was indescribably painful for David, but it was multiplied by the knowledge that his sin was responsible for it. This guilt was quickly draining the life out of David, sapping his strength and eating him from within, all the way to his bones. David cried out to God for mercy because he knew he deserved what he was receiving. He was guilty of the heinous sins of adultery and murder. He wanted the Lord to know how deeply sorry he was for what he had done, hoping that God would see his repentant heart, have mercy, and deliver him. David’s experience shows that even if our calamity is the direct result of our own sin, we can still run to God for refuge and know that He will receive us! It is significant that David’s enemies were still condemning him long after God had forgiven him. But David’s enemies didn’t know the sincerity of David’s repentance or the magnitude of God’s grace. We must never condone sin, but we must be careful not to condemn repentant sinners. Thank God that He is gracious and through the blood of Jesus forgives all our sin!
Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness of all our sin.
Lord, even though the consequences of our sin are not removed, we stand in awe of Your grace and forgiveness that enable us to face our storms. AMEN
Colossians 2:8-15
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