“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. “You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:13-14 NIV
1 Timothy 2:4 says that God “wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” His plan is to use us to make an impact on the world. It is God’s will for each of us to live in such a way that we influence other people for their spiritual good. Jesus used two very distinct words: Salt and Light to illustrate our mission. Salt is an additive used for flavouring and preserving. Its presence penetrates and spreads throughout any food on which it is sprinkled. As a result, there is a significant difference in the flavour. We are to function in the same way as salt: by spreading the appeal of Christ through our interaction with others. But, Jesus warns that the “saltiness” of our lives will decrease if we practice ungodly habits and attitudes. Jesus also calls us to be light, just as He was. Light drives out darkness, reveals what is present, illuminates the path ahead and warns of danger. We are to do the same by reflecting Jesus’ presence through our conversation and conduct. Just as soot on a glass lantern diminishes its light, sin’s presence decreases the strength of our testimony and reduces our influence. The composition of salt and the clarity of light are what gives them their power. Our character, which is who we are when no one is looking, can help or hurt our ability to affect our world. Consider the impact you can make by following God!
Lord Jesus, let Your presence in our lives have an impact on others.
Lord Jesus, through Your presence in our lives and through the power and ministry of the Holy Spirit, may our lives be salt and full of Your light. AMEN
I.B.R.A. Readings
Genesis 29:13-14
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