“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.” Psalm 57:5 NIV
David must have wondered, “God, why are You allowing this to happen to me? You anointed me as king; I didn’t choose the job. Why don’t You remove Saul and put me in office?” But Psalm 57 shows us that David understood something deeper. Although, he may not have realized why God was allowing him to suffer, he did understand what God wanted from him in his suffering. David understood that to ask the question “Why?” in the midst of suffering is to ask the wrong question. The better question to ask is, “God, what do You want from my life in the midst of this trial and as a result of this trial?” The answer is, “God wants to be glorified.” That is the theme of Psalm 57. God’s glory should be our aim at all times, but especially in a time of trial. What does it mean to glorify God? The Hebrew word kabod has the idea of weight, heaviness, worthiness, reputation, honour. It was used of men to describe a man of substance or weight. When kabod was applied to God, it referred to His intrinsic worth. It means that God is worthy of all honour because of who He is, a God who is perfect in all of His attributes and ways. Thus to glorify God is to ascribe honour and praise to God for who He is and for what He has done. It means to show forth His excellencies, to exalt Him. We are to strive in everything to act in such a way that others may praise and honour the God whom we profess to serve because they have seen His attributes shining through our lives.
Lord, I desire to bring You glory in every aspect of my life.
Lord, through the indwelling power of Your Holy Spirit, we seek to strive in everything to act in such a way that others may praise and honour You because they have seen Your attributes shining through our lives. AMEN
Deuteronomy 4:6-20
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