“Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious.”         Psalm 66:1-2 NIV


It is not uncommon to find a call for the nations of the earth to come and to worship the God of Israel in the Psalms. This is not surprising when we consider that God’s purpose for calling and setting Abraham apart was to bless the nations of the earth through his offspring. Israel came from Abraham. The Christ came from Israel. The Lord Jesus Christ came to save, not only the Hebrews, but people from every tongue, tribe and nation. The psalmist understood that this was the plan, and so he, like an evangelist, calls all the earth to “shout for joy to God”. The praise that is to be offered up to God is to be joyful and glorious, for God is glorious, and the works that He has accomplished on our behalf are marvellous indeed. The psalmist is calling out to you and to me to give glory to God. We are the “people of the earth” to whom the psalmist speaks. Yes, we live thousands of years after him. Yes, we live in a land that he did not know existed. But we are the Gentile people to whom he spoke. It is us who are being called in this Psalm to shout for joy to the Lord and to offer Him glorious praise. God has called us to Himself for this purpose to worship and serve Him all the days of our lives. When we prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day, let us keep this in mind. Let us come prepared to sing joyfully to God and to give Him the glory that is due to His Name.



Lord, we give You the glory that is due unto Your name.



Lord, You have called us to Yourself to worship and serve You all the days of our lives. As we prepare for worship on Your Day, let us keep this in mind as we come prepared to sing joyfully to You and to give You the glory that is due to Your Name. AMEN



2 Chronicles 2:11-16



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