“He has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping.”        Psalm 66:9 NIV


As Israel celebrated God’s help and deliverance, they acknowledged God’s protection. They had survived a serious threat to their freedom and to their very existence, but only by God’s power. They were still alive, still a nation, and still in the land because God was faithful. Appropriately, they praised God for His supernatural protection. He faithfully sustains us. The psalmist reminds us that God faithfully sustains our lives from day to day. Every day is a gift from Him. The word “holds” means to put, set, place or appoint. Simply stated, it is God who put us on this earth, it is He who keeps us here each day. He keeps us from slipping and losing our way. He protects us from falling and keeps us on the path He has ordained for us. As we go about our daily lives, it is so easy for us to forget God’s constant protection over our lives. It is He who sustains us, who preserves and protects us from danger. This sin-cursed world is full of hazards: accidents, illnesses, diseases, disasters, and criminal acts, to name but a few. But God continuously guards us, often deploying His angels to keep charge of us (Psalm 91:10-12). We need to recognize that each day is a gift from Him and He has a purpose for us on this earth. Let us never take our lives for granted or boast in our plans for the future. We will live to see tomorrow only if God ordains it and preserves our lives for another day (James 4:13-15). With this in mind, we ought to live each day for His glory and in His service.



Lord, we give thanks for preserving our lives each day.



Lord, may we never take our lives for granted or boast in our plans for the future. It is You who preserves our lives for another day. So we choose to live each day for Your glory and in Your service. AMEN



Genesis 18:9-15; 21:1-8



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