“I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples.”          Psalm 57:9 NIV


David wants the nations, those who don’t know God, to hear his praise. Even though he is going through extreme difficulty, he wants to sing about how good God is, so that others will hear and glorify God. David specifies two aspects of God’s goodness which often occur together in other psalms: His lovingkindness and His truth, or faithfulness (verses 3, 10). “Lovingkindness” comes from the Hebrew word related to the stork. The Hebrews saw the loyal love of the stork for its young and said, “God’s love is like that, only greater.” He cares for and nurtures us with never-ending love. “Truth” points to God’s faithfulness. He is consistent and trustworthy. He never fails His children. He may bring us into severe situations and sometimes even to premature death. But there is not a person in history who has trusted in the living God and been disappointed. Even those who have suffered greatly have testified to God’s abundant love and faithfulness which has sustained them. Paul’s desire when he was in prison, facing possible execution, should be ours too, that “Christ shall even now, as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death” (Philippians 1:20). It is important that we focus our praise on God’s loyal love and faithfulness in a time of trial because it is precisely those qualities which Satan tempts us to doubt at such a time. We will be tempted to think, “If God loves me, why is this happening to me?” But David’s voice comes singing from the cave, “God, Your lovingkindness is great to the heavens and Your truth to the clouds! Be exalted above the heavens, O God; let Your glory be above all the earth.”



Lord, as we worship and praise You, may we testify to Your greatness.



Lord, thank You for the reality that as we praise and worship You in our difficulties, we bear testimony to our faith in Your greatness and lovingkindness, to others. AMEN



1 Kings 18:20-40



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