“Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word.”      Luke 1:1-2 NIV


As we journey into Advent, we are reminded by Luke that our faith is rooted in history. Luke is at pains to make this clear, and it is not a trivial point. What this means is that Christianity is not a religious philosophy based on the speculations and ideas of some great religious thinkers. Christianity is primarily about the God who created the universe miraculously invading human history in the person of Jesus Christ who uniquely revealed God to us. The great doctrines of the Bible are not matters of personal opinion or philosophical speculation. They are matters of revelation from God and, therefore, they must be submitted to. This is especially true concerning the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Luke wants us to know and believe this with absolute certainty. How can we know that this is true? Luke mentions there were many written accounts of witnesses to the life and ministry of Christ which Luke consulted (Luke 1:1). We do not know who these witnesses were. They may have included the Gospel of Mark, but probably also included other written sources which are no longer extant. Luke states that many of these written sources were eyewitnesses to the entire ministry of Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ is rooted in the accurate historical record that has come down to us in Luke’s Gospel. It is not an optional idea that you might want to consider if it grabs you. It is absolute truth to be believed and handed on to others. Let us be reminded of this in this Advent season.



Lord Jesus, thank You that our faith in You is real.



Lord Jesus, as we enter this Advent season, thank You that our faith in You is real for You are real in every way as the Son of God and the Son of man. AMEN



Isaiah 40:1-5



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