“Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true.” John 4:37 NIV
We need to bear in mind that we never labour alone. If we lead someone to Christ, we are probably reaping where someone else has already sown. It is rare for someone to come to faith the first time they hear the Message. If we share the gospel and the person does not respond, don’t get discouraged. Pray that God would water the seed that we’ve sown and bring someone else along who may reap the fruit. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” J.C. Ryle (Expository Thoughts on the Gospels [Baker], 3:246) observes: Let it be noted, that in doing work for Christ, and labouring for souls, there are sowers as well as reapers. The work of the reaper makes far more show than the work of the sower. Yet it is perfectly clear that if there was no sowing there would be no reaping. It is of great importance to remember this. The Church is often disposed to give an excessive honour to Christ’s reapers, and to overlook the labours of Christ’s sowers. Adoniram Judson laboured his entire lifetime in Burma with much hardship, many disappointments, and little visible fruit in terms of converts. But today there are over a million Christians in Burma who trace their roots back to Judson’s labours. Our sowing is not in vain if others reap the fruit. Let us be faithful in sowing the seed!
Lord, may we never grow tired of sowing the seeds of Your Kingdom.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, that our sowing is not in vain if others reap the fruit. May we be forever faithful in sowing the seeds of Your Kingdom. AMEN
I.B.R.A. Readings
Song of Solomon 6:1-13
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