“The angel went to her and said, ‘Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you.’” Luke 1:28 NIV
In the sixth month of Elizabeth being pregnant with John, the same angel, Gabriel, who had appeared to Zechariah was sent to Mary. Note how God took the initiative in sending His Son and how he chose Mary of all the young women in Israel. He did it quietly and without fanfare. Mary was not living in Jerusalem, the centre of Jewish culture and religion, but rather in the often-despised town of Nazareth in Galilee. God often chooses the foolish things of the world to humble those who are wise in their own sight. Mary was probably a teenager since Jewish girls of that culture usually married in their teens. The Jewish betrothal lasted about a year and was legally binding. Mary was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter. The angel’s greeting means that Mary had found grace and favour in God’s sight. The emphasis is not on Mary’s merit, but on God’s sovereign choice. God singled out Mary for an important task. While God noticed Mary, she was humbly unaware of anything special about herself. Mary didn’t doubt the angel’s words (as Zechariah had, Luke 1:18), but she did ask for clarification. Although Mary did not ask for confirmation, the angel graciously supplied it by telling her that Elizabeth, who had been barren and was now past her childbearing years, had conceived John by God’s power through union with her husband. Then Mary answered, “I am the Lord’s servant”. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” May our hearts and attitudes be like that of Mary.
Lord, thank You for choosing the most unexpected people to do Your will.
Lord God, thank You for reminding us that You often choose the foolish things of the world to humble those who are wise in their own sight. Thank You for choosing the least expected people to do Your will, as You did with Mary. AMEN
Luke 1:18-24
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