“But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.”          Psalm 39:7 NIV


To live for the Lord means that I put all my hope in the Lord. David writes, “And now, Lord, for what do I look for? My hope is in You.” The longer I live, the more I realize that there is nowhere else to put our hope. Is your hope in your family or friends? Loving relationships are a wonderful gift from God, but people can easily be taken away. If your hopes are there, you’ll be left empty and disappointed. Is your hope in this world, or in the things of the world? You will surely be disappointed, because those things cannot satisfy your soul and they’re as fleeting as your breath on a cold morning. But, if we make the Lord and His promises our hope, we will never be disappointed. That’s easy to say and even easy to agree with. But in reality, even Christians can easily get caught up with the things of this world, rather than the things of God. Many Christians, who would say that they hope in the Lord, subtly drift into the pursuit of financial security ahead of the pursuit of God. They work long hours to provide a comfortable lifestyle for their families. But they hardly give any thought or effort to get the gospel to those who have yet to hear about Jesus Christ. They are too busy pursuing financial success and security. The solution to being enamoured with the world is not to make a resolution to stop being enamoured with the world. The solution is to become enamoured with the Lord. When He becomes our delight and the object of our love and affection, the things of the world fade away by way of comparison.



Lord, become our delight and the object of our love.



Thank You, Lord Jesus, when You become our delight and the object of our love and affection, the things of the world fade away by way of comparison. AMEN



2 Samuel 9



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