“I said, ‘I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin.’”           Psalm 39:1 NIV


We often create many of the problems we face in life. Generally speaking, our lives are the product of our decisions. Wrong choices produce negative consequences. As Scripture says, we reap exactly what we sow (Galatians 6:7). Disobedience to God’s commands result in turmoil and painful difficulties. Scripture does not reveal precisely what David was experiencing when he wrote Psalm 39; we only know that he was enduring a difficult situation that was the product of sin in his life. Some commentators believe Psalm 39 is an extension of Psalm 38, where David was suffering from some serious illness or wound (Psalm 38:3-5). Others think that he was bearing a different kind of trial so severe that it made him question the purpose of his life (verse 4). In this song, David recorded his experience with God’s discipline. It teaches us how to handle inner turmoil and difficult situations, especially those brought on by our own disobedience to God. After guiding us through our response to inner pain, it leads us to repentance and leaves us with the hope of being restored to fellowship with God when we confess our sins. Because of the excruciating pain he was experiencing at God’s disciplining, but loving hand, David’s soul overflowed with emotions that he knew he needed to control. Rather than risk saying something that would dishonour God, he resolved to say nothing at all about the heavy burden he was bearing. If he uttered a single word of complaint against God, the wicked would pounce on it and declare his faith to be false. Yet this did not help!



Lord, if we are not real with You, we cannot be right with You.



Lord, even when there is inner turmoil in our lives, may we not remain silent, but help us to bring everything to You in prayer. For if we are not real with You, we cannot be right with You. AMEN



Daniel 5:13-30



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