“In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah.” Luke 1:5 NIV
It was “in the time of Herod” that this word of hope came to Zechariah. Herod was an immoral, violent king of Edomite descent who claimed to be a Jew in his religion but was such in name only. He reigned as king of Judea from 37-4 BCE. He held onto power by murdering numerous family members over the years, including one son just five days before his own death. He was the same tyrant who slaughtered the infants of Bethlehem in his attempt to kill the new-born king of the Jews. It was near the end of this evil reign that the Lord broke into history with His gracious message to Zechariah. Even religion in Israel was corrupt. The high priests and members of the Sanhedrin vied for power and prestige. It was a bleak situation spiritually and morally. Despite the meaning of his name, “God remembers”, Zechariah often wondered if God had forgotten His people. It is often at bleak times such as these that God breaks into history with true revival. His power is made perfect in our weakness. Both personally and nationally, God’s salvation is revealed to those who are helpless in and of themselves, who have no hope but in God Himself. God waited until Elizabeth was too old to produce a child. Then, unmistakably, the resultant blessing came from His almighty hand. If things seem spiritually dark in our day, and they certainly do, we should be encouraged to pray for true revival. The theme of the Gospel of Luke is that the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. If you feel lost and in despair, then you are a candidate for His gracious salvation.
Lord, in our moments of hopelessness and despair You are our Salvation.
Lord Jesus, as the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost, we thank You that when we feel lost and in despair, we are a candidate for Your gracious salvation. AMEN
Isaiah 40:25-31
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