“This is how we know that we live in Him and He in us: He has given us of His Spirit.”         1 John 4:13 NIV


God’s Spirit is both the Spirit of truth (John 14:17) and the Spirit of love (Galatians 5:22). John has just spoken about love and he will go on to speak about the truth and love. John does not separate truth from love or put love above the truth so as to minimize or negate the truth. In verse 13, he is going to the source of love and truth in us, namely, God’s Spirit. John does not say that God has given us His Spirit, although that is true. He says, “He has given us of His Spirit.” The Greek word means “out of”. John is looking at something which God has imparted to us out of His Spirit, namely, truth and love. The Christian life is not only a matter of subscribing to certain doctrines, although it includes that. It is not merely a matter of stopping certain sinful practices and adding certain godly ones, although it does require that. At its root, Christianity is about receiving new life from the Holy Spirit. The moment that we are born of the Spirit, He comes to indwell us. We may wonder, “Is this just an inner, subjective feeling that the Holy Spirit is in me?” In the context, John is saying, “Don’t focus on subjective feelings. Look for evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in your life”. You can’t see the wind, but you can see its effects. Do you see love? Do you believe and confess the truth about Jesus Christ? These are effects of the Holy Spirit in your life. These things show that God has given you of His Spirit. When you see them, you can know that you abide in Him and He in you.



Holy Spirit, thank You for the fruit of love in my life.



Thank You, Holy Spirit, that as I choose to believe and confess the truth about Jesus Christ in my life, You bring the effects of my belief into my everyday living. AMEN


I.B.R.A. Readings

Nahum 2:1-13



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