“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.’” Matthew 9:37 NIV
The world is big. The crowds are huge. The number of spiritually lost and dying people is overwhelming. In Jesus’ day the population of the world was approximately 150 million people. Today’s world population possibly grows by 150 million every two years. The world’s population exceeds 8 billion people. Not only was the harvest of people vast as Jesus looked upon it, but those people brought tears to His eyes. All those people, then and now, matter to Him. Make no mistake about it: Jesus loves people. “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them (Matthew 9:36 NIV). The word used for “compassion” is the strongest word for pity in the Greek language. It describes the love that moves a person to the depths of their being. It is the type of love that moves people to cry for others as Oscar Schindler cried for the Jews. It is love that moves people beyond sentimental feelings to heartfelt action. A professor of evangelism at an overseas seminary had a near-death experience with his infant son. The professor’s heart broke at the thought of his son dying. As his son’s fragile body lay in the hospital bed, the professor asked in his heart: what would I regret most if my son died? As he pondered that question, the answer came to him clearly. I would regret that he died never knowing how much I loved him. Jesus’ heart grieves over every lost soul. God grieves because those who die without Christ never know how much He loves them.
Lord, may our hearts be moved by those who don’t know Your Love.
Lord Jesus, Your heart grieves over every lost soul. Your Father grieves because those who die without You in their lives never know how much He loves them. Give us a heart for those who do not know You. AMEN
I.B.R.A. Readings
Song of Solomon 7:1-9
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