“And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.”        Luke 1:20 NIV


Although our doubts do not keep God from graciously blessing us according to His promises, He does discipline us lovingly in our doubts so that we may share in His holiness. The angel struck Zechariah dumb and, apparently, deaf. By doubting God’s ambassador, he was doubting God Himself. God took that seriously. As a loving Father, He taught His erring child a lesson he would never forget. The angel specifically states Zechariah’s sin: “because you did not believe my words”. Zechariah’s chastisement was appropriate for his sin. He shut his mouth in silence when he should have praised God, so he would remain silent until the day when his lips were loosed to praise God before others. Doubt has nothing to say; faith opens the heart and lips in praise to God. Thankfully, doubt need not be fatal. We can recover if we submit to God’s gracious discipline. During his months of silence, Zechariah submitted to God by meditating on His Word and being thankful for His faithfulness in fulfilling His gracious promises. This is evident from the stream of praise that gushes forth when he finally has his speech restored. We should learn from this godly man. When God graciously disciplines us for our doubting hearts, we can either grumble or we can thankfully submit to His chastening. If, like Zechariah, we submit to God, we will grow stronger in faith and be filled with joyful, thankful hearts. We will overcome our tendency to doubt if we see that God does what He says He will do.



Lord, thank You that You will do what You have said You will do.



Like Zechariah, Lord, as we submit to You, we pray that we will grow stronger in our faith and be filled with joyful, thankful hearts, for we will overcome our tendency to doubt when we see that You do what You say You will do. AMEN



Luke 1:5-17



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