“In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron.” Luke 1:5 NIV
Have you ever prayed for something repeatedly, year in and year out, but God has not answered? I hope that you can answer yes, because if you say no, it only shows that you are not a praying person. If you pray, you have prayed for things that God has not yet answered. One prayer that every committed Christian should be praying is that God would send revival. True revival is when the living God sovereignly and powerfully breaks into human history with the good news of His salvation. It invariably begins with His people coming under deep conviction of sin and turning from that sin in genuine repentance. It always involves a recovery of biblical truth, especially the truth about how sinners are reconciled to a holy God. Therefore, it also involves a recovery of the centrality and authority of God’s Word over all of life. Our text records God breaking into history with the greatest revival ever. It involved the coming of the Saviour into this world. Zechariah, most likely was praying for the deliverance of Israel, but in His grace, God answered his prayer for the Messiah to come and at the same time answered his prayer of many years – for God to give him a son. The angel’s sudden appearance with this great news, not only of a son for Zechariah and Elizabeth, but of the imminent coming of the Messiah, shows us that God never forgets our prayers. He will answer in His time.
Lord Jesus, let us be encouraged that You never forget our prayers.
Lord, thank You that You are forever faithful and have heard our prayers, even those unanswered prayers, and You will answer then in Your time and in Your way. AMEN
Psalm 130:1-8
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